Ideas and creative technology solutions to problems both green, envrionmental and otherwise. All my own, some more viable than others, best viewed with out great seriousness.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Presenting science

I often think that we have lost the ability to present science. For
many people science is like magic. The one thing people want to know
when magic is performed is 'how is it done?' When arts graduates
present science the impression is that it is boring and the public
must be protected at all times from anything complex.

Imagine what would be more frustrating than a show which had
magicians promising to reveal their secrets and then just before they
show the trick getting cut off by presenters because 'The
complexities might put people off'. After all television is not here
to make people feel stupid is it?

I think what makes a book like 'A Brief History of Time' is that yes
we might not understand it but that's not the issue. At least you
have tried to broaden your universe by attempting to understand it.
Remember more people bought books about Physics ( the Breif History
of Time by Hawkings ) than bought books about Sex ( Sex by Maddona).

I will rant about this issue again and again until I am not heard.


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