Ban the bulb and text generators
I noticed a nice use of a blog for campaigning on This is a web blog campaigning for energy efficient light bulbs (very good idea in my opinion).
I've been thinking that I might get back into my self appointed roll as evangalist for Personal Rapid Transit. .
While looking at the banthebulb I noticed a link to which had this advice for campaigns. "Do not give people text to paste into their messages.
Spamming lots of representatives with near-identical messages is definitely bad behavior in our book. Please be aware that if you do this, most of the duplicate messages will be filtered out automatically and will never get to the representatives. We will let all the people who sent identikit messages know that their messages have been blocked, and we will tell them that it is because you broke our terms and conditions."
Makes me wonder if I could create a PHP generator which would generate large numbers of messages which people could cut and paste and add there own text/details too. Would the real people that read them smell a rat? Still I think most people have bit of writers block and something which might suggest what they might want to rewrite in there own words might not come a miss. Still I like the idea of building the PRT post generator.