I found this link on half bakery. VIRGIN EARTH CHALLENGE it does sound quite cool. Makes you wonde what the rules are
go . I was looking around thinking about harnessing the aerostat turbines in very remote locations to compress air and then condense it. If I read the diagrams right by compressing to 100 atm at about room temperature the C02 will condense out as a liquid. Assuming this can be pumped off and the expanding air used to assist the compression of the incoming air ( lets get 20% of the energy we put in back ). Then perhaps we could use the power of the wind to extract out liquid C02 that we could then pump down wells or down to the bottom of the ocean ( so looks like I want to run this on a ship or platform teathered out in the ocean).
Wickpedia has some other possibly better C02 mittigation possiblies. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide )
Labels: aerostat turbine, c02, global warming.
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